The following consists of resources and hyperlinks for family medicine residents regarding COVID
UNM Specific COVID Policies
UNM COVID-19 Website. Includes info on travel reporting, link to CDC travel guidance and some other general info
UNM GME COVID Updates RESIDENT SPECIFIC (also available in New Innovations and in emails)
UNMH COVID risk assessment tool
DCFM Emergency Quarantine Backup Coverage Policy
COVID 19 Clinical Management
UNM COVID Adult Inpatient Therapeutic Recommendations (updated 1/20/22)
UNM COVID Adult Outpatient Therapeutic Recommendations (updated 1/20/22)
COVID-19 Zinc Team Orientation & Operation (Links to Clinical Pearls)
STFM Resource Page
COVID Treatment overview video lecture from LSU
WHO Responding to COVID-19 Courses
Society of Hospital Medicine COVID CME and resources
Other large Guide For Hospitalists on COVID 19
EB Medicine Update for Emergency Clinicians
Home care for patients with suspected novel coronavirus (WHO) infection presenting with mild symptoms and management of contacts
COVID Outpatient Manual by U Michigan. Some things site specific but overall a nice resource
BMJ Covid assessment in Primary Care (offers some suggestions on questions you can ask in a phone or video visit and advice on when to send pts to the hospital)
Critical Care
Society of Critical Care Medicine modules on Critical Care for the Non-ICU Physician
Lab Testing Info:
FactSheet Sensitivity and Specificity.pdf
COVID Testing as Screening 4.2.20 (v1.02).docx
COVID 19 Public Health
NMDOH Site- includes data on local tracking
Hopkins COVID-19 global case tracker
CDC handouts and posters- might be helpful for patients
WHO global statistics
COVID19 Racial Equity and Social Justice Resource-- VERY extensive compilation of readings and resources:
COVID 19 Family Oriented Information
Empowering and Protecting your family- reassuring video from a Cornell doc
Protecting the health of your household (AAFP)- (returning from clinical work with COVID pts while minimizing risk to others)
Support for your family- from online education for parents to activity ideas (AAFP)
COVID 19 Patient Oriented Information
CABQ's Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs has published Coronavirus Fact Sheet for New Mexico in various languages (Arabic, Dari, English, Kinyarwanda, Spanish, and Swahili)
6 months of "10% happier" (meditation app- usually costs $100), email, tell them you are a healthcare worker involved in the COVID response. you can see more about the app here:
Resources from Aissa & Molly
Continuing Medical Education and FREE education resources
Clinical (and Board) Resources while self isolated from UNM GME
AAFP Board review (usually $$)
Hospital Medicine: choosing wisely, the "things we do for no reason"
Google Doc with endless asynchronous learning activities
Available for a Limited TIME: Residency Curriculum Resource (curated readings and presentations on all Family Medicine core topics):
- Username: RCRaccess
- Password: COVID2020
Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School
E-learning modules from University of Colorado (lots of stuff on QI, practice improvement, behavioral health in primary care
Obesity Medicine Elective:
Our Point of Care Ultrasound Page
Free 5 minute POCUS teaching videos
Ultrasound of the Week case
EKG interpretation
NEJM Clinical Videos
AAFP Videos
AAFP- Free CME for Members
Radiology Resources
PainEDU: Chronic Pain resources
U Michigan Opthalmology Review
UCSF Center Transgender Health Resources
STFM Advocacy Course:
Ethics in Medicine (includes a section on professionalism, not that the topic has ever come up on the list-serve) that is hosted and maintained by the Dept. of Bioethics & Humanities at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
End of Life series in Lancet: It is a series of viewpoint papers that discuss end of life from Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, traditional Christian, Catholic, and Humanist perspectives. The articles are free of charge, but Lancet requires an account.
Lancet Global Health Series (164 topics with several articles per topic)
National HIV Curriculum
Stat 507: Epidemiological Research Methods from Penn State Eberly College of Science
Opioid and Pain Management CME: Guidelines, Research and Treatments from AMA Ed Hub (Up to 44.25 CME credits – requires sign-in): This could also be a time to knock out some of the pain/opioids/addiction CME requirements for state medical licensure for both residents and faculty.
The American Academy of Dermatology has a basic derm curriculum in 2, 3, and 4-week rotations, derm for internists, and derm for pediatricians. The sessions have Learner’s Guides and Educator’s Guides (including goals and objectives) and questions. Curriculum is divided into Mon-Fri over however many weeks you decide, and each module takes less than 30 minutes for the most part. you have to set up an account, but it’s free of charge.
And for a derm atlas:
What to do if you have concerning symptoms for influenza-like illness (ILI) and might need testing for COVID-19 (from GME)
For the protection of your patients and colleagues, please take the following steps if you think you could have COVID-19 based on symptoms (dry cough, shortness of breath, OR fever greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees F).
1. Let your program director, program coordinator, or other appropriate leadership person know your concerns.
2. For now, screening and testing is in BBRP 1500, open 24/7, which has been set up as the Respiratory Care Center. This is a walk-in service only, so no appointments.
3. The entrance is from the northwest side of the BBRP, by the patient parking structure (the usual doors on the east side of the room are locked to restrict access). If you need help finding the entrance, from the inside lobby, you can ask the people stationed at the front door, by the sparkly horse.
4. Based on screening, they will determine whether you need testing, including for COVID19. If you do get tested for COVID -19, you will need to go home until the test results come back, which may take about 1 – 2 days.
5. RESIDENTS/FELLOWS: If you do need to be isolated, there is a new category on New Innovations Duty Hour Logging system to use– COVID19 – so that we can track this. We are still working on the actual leave types that can apply and hope to have an answer this week.
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