
EBM and Journal Club

Page history last edited by Miranda 8 months, 2 weeks ago


  1. Utilize sources of recent medical literature to find articles that are: 
    1. Relevant to patient care 
    2. Practice-changing or potentially practice-changing 
  2. Utilize a standard format to critically appraise the articles 
  3. Develop habits for career-long self-directed learning 



Checklist for appraisal of systematic reviews:

A. What question did the systematic review address?

B. Were relevant studies missed? (search strategy)

C. Were the criteria used to select articles for inclusion appropriate?

D. Were the included studies sufficiently valid?

E. Were the results similar from study to study?

F. What were the results?

G. Are the results applicable to my patient?


Rapid risk of bias checklist for RCTs:

A. Was the method of randomization truly random?

B. Was allocation adequately concealed?

C. Were groups comparable at the start?

D. Were patients, providers and/or assessors blinded?

E. Was there minimal loss to follow-up?

F. Was an intention-to-treat analysis conducted?

G. Was there industry sponsorship bias?

H. Are the results applicable to my patient?



Choose from one of these sources of pre-appraised journal articles for your presentation focus:


AFP POEMs ("Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters") - Pick an article and find the full manuscript to evaluate.

Research Summaries are synopses of new evidence filtered for relevance to patient care and evaluated for validity. Reviews and appraises 3000+ studies published monthly in more than 100 journals. 




ACP Journal Club

The journal Ann.Intern.Med Includes 9-10 reviewed articles in each monthly issue. The journal is available full text from UNM HSLIC (Library) web page  

Beneath the "Worldcat" tab, click on "E-journal" and enter "ACP Journal Club" in the "Title" search box, click on "search."


Some other good sources for review:

Database of Essential Evidence Plus




Schedule for 2024-2025: 

8/14/24 2:50-3:40 pm Yen Bui, DO, Lily McKoy Drake, DO
10/9/24 2:50-3:40 pm Austin Caballero, DO, Jackie Castellanos, MD, Harman Gill, MD
12/11/24 2:50-3:40 pm Eliana Otero-Bell, MD, Eve Wiggins, MD
2/12/25 2:50-3:40 pm Lizzet Castillo, MD, Julia McIntyre, MD, Dani Pohl, MD
4/9/25 2:50-3:40 pm Meagen Twyeffort, MD, Maggie Wisniewski, MD
6/11/25 2:50-3:40 pm Katie Brown, MD, Claire Sava, MD



Tips for Presenting articles:

Please see the attachments for suggested presentation format for the journal articles with Dr. Tomedi.

EBM intro slides

Pre/Post quiz on EBM


Here is an example from Dr. Galicia: EBM- Fluid in Acute Pancreatitis.pptx 

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