* Board review with text messages (or better if you open them in the App)
Email Kathy at kzchang@salud.unm.edu or use this link https://www.remind.com/join/unmfmr2024 to get signed up for the Remind App to receive ~2-3 text messages/week with high yield board review questions and answers. (Using most-missed questions from last year's ITE.)
Standard text message rates may apply.
Board Prep A la Carte Menu (<<click here for study suggestions)
1. AAFP Board Review Questions (Free for AAFP members): https://www.aafp.org/assessment/listing/1353
- Scroll down to "Members Only: Board Review Questions." You will need to sign into the AAFP site.
- Mixed Review format
- 10 Question quizzes
2. ABFM CKSA Test Prep (Free with ABFM login)
- phone app (iPhone or Android)
- Mixed Review format
- 25 Question tests - available quarterly with email or phone reminders
3. Past In-Training Exams (ITEs) - Free (though the ABFM suggests KSAs may be better for study)
4. Other AAFP Board Review Resources
5. ABFM KSAs (Knowledge Self Assessment)
Some advice from AFMRD members (Association of FM Residency Directors)
1) A Board Review Course is, by itself, insufficient preparation for taking the ABFM board exam if you are concerned that you are in danger of failing.
2) Doing question banks (1000 questions or so) has been shown to increase ABFM board score by around 30 points. Questions alone will not drastically increase your score, in most cases. Many of you don't need drastic increases, but some do.
3) If significant improvement is desired, then a person has to commit to serious reading and study, every day, investing approximately 10 hours a week , over a long period of time (3-6 months).........which can raise the score 100 points or so.
4) The value of live course is largely that if timed right, you are helped in prioritizing a study plan which you can then implement over an appropriate period of time (3 months or more), and you are given some key materials to help "jump start" your study. Live courses alone are not enough if you are worried about not passing, but can be adequate for some who just want a refresher.
5) People who do SAMs have a higher board pass rate.
Tipsheets: ABFM Study Tips , ABFM Exam blueprint (2017)
USMLE Step 3 and COMLEX resource for more study:
Sorry the "Doctors In Training" resource link no longer works.
COMLEX information from the NBOME: https://www.nbome.org/exams-assessments/comlex-usa/comlex-usa-level-3/practice-preparation/
Step 3 Question Bank
The BoardVitals Step 3 question bank should be available now to all residents. Please see registration instructions below, and let us know if you have any issues with access.
Please follow the instructions at this web site:
Click on the above link, and click on REGISTER to register.
- You MUST use your @salud.unm.edu email address for registration
- Click the register button and the system will send a validation email
- Check your e-mail and click on the validation link in the email for full access
- After initial registration, next time just go to https://www.boardvitals.com/users/sign_in
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